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  • 注册
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  • 我們是一個致力於分享同志寫真、同志影片/影視、同志娛樂資訊等同志類輕社交網站。

    We are a gay-friendly social networking site dedicated to sharing gay photos, gay videos/films, gay entertainment information, etc.

    為什麼需要捐助?/Why do we need to donate?




    1. Because we are compared with other sites, we need to bear additional hosting costs for the download server and the online player server.

    2. We purchase a lot of resources every month, such as photo/Onlyfans/Twitter, etc. In terms of pictures, the lowest price for each photo is $16+, and even better, the price of a photo is $120+.

    3. We do not place any advertisements on the site, nor do we sell any products. All operating expenses rely solely on donations.


    We will keep updating every day, so if your economy permits, you can donate to us to help us continue to develop.


    For the extra donation, we have formulated a public welfare plan, and will donate the excess donation amount every month.

    權限相關/Permission related

    購買貼文 – 次數內無需消耗G幣
    經驗值 – 獲得經驗值,可以正常發表動態/進入圈子等。(需要在任務-成長任務領取)

    捐助 30 Day獲得以下權限:

    1. 每日購買次數 100 次

    2. 獲得 Donor 標識

    3. 獲得 501 點經驗值

    Donate 30 Day to get the following permissions:

    1. Daily purchase limit of 100

    2. Get a Donor label

    3. Get 501 experience points


    捐助 90 Day獲得以下權限:

    1. 每日購買次數 150 次

    2. 獲得 Season 標識

    3. 獲得 501 點經驗值

    Donate 90 Day to get the following permissions:

    1. Daily purchase limit of 150

    2. Get a Season label

    3. Get 501 experience points


    捐助 180 Day獲得以下權限:

    1. 每日購買次數 200 次

    2. 獲得 Super 標識

    3. 獲得 501 點經驗值

    Donate 180 Day to get the following permissions:

    1. Daily purchase limit of 200

    2. Get a Super label

    3. Get 501 experience points


    捐助 1 Year獲得以下權限:

    1. 每日購買次數 300 次

    2. 獲得 Year 標識

    3. 獲得 501 點經驗值

    Donate 1 Year to get the following permissions:

    1. Daily purchase limit of 300

    2. Get a Year label

    3. Get 501 experience points


    捐助 2 Year獲得以下權限:

    1. 每日購買次數 400 次

    2. 獲得 Dual 標識

    3. 獲得 501 點經驗值

    Donate 2 Year to get the following permissions:

    1. Daily purchase limit of 400

    2. Get a Dual label

    3. Get 501 experience points


    捐助 3 Year獲得以下權限:

    1. 每日購買次數 500 次

    2. 獲得 Thruple 標識

    3. 獲得 501 點經驗值

    Donate 3 Year to get the following permissions:

    1. Daily purchase limit of 500

    2. Get a Thruple label

    3. Get 501 experience points


    需要注意的是/have to be aware of is:

    1.以上購買次數包含了全站的購買次數,包括了圈子/視圈,在次數內購買貼文無須消耗G coin。


    1.he number of purchases above includes the number of purchases on the entire site, including circles/view circles. There is no need to consume G coins to purchase posts within the number of times.

    2. When donating money, please be sure to note your account number or ID.


    參考 此篇公告 進行操作

    儲值完成後請聯繫 @傑心心 進行查核以及更新資料

    Donate with PayPal:

    Refer to this announcement for instructions.
    After completing the recharge, please contact @傑心心 for verification and data update.

    聯絡方式/contact method:

    Email:[email protected]

    如果您需要使用PayPal以及其他方式進行儲值,您可以到以下商城購買相對應的卡密,獲取卡號以及密碼之後連同您的賬戶ID一起發送到我們的郵箱([email protected]),我們會在第一時間為您處理。

    If you need to use PayPal or other methods to store value, you can go to the following malls to purchase the corresponding card code, get the card number and password and send them to our email ([email protected]) together with your account ID, we will Handle it for you in the first time.



    Every 200 points card code = 1 month membership

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